?Why……“NOTHING BUT LIGHT?” ……Hmmmmm..
I was pulled to the title of the project right off the bat. I joined FB in May of 2015 after I found out I had liver cancer, and would need a transplant.
I’ve always been somewhat of a eclectic spiritual human; believing we are the light which sparks this body we live in. Which, I also believe is our true “home”, (our body). So with that already ignited in me I was attracted to the project. For I am light in “Nothing but Light.” We are all light; And the reason I had joined FB was to gather more light for healing. Now the nudity was a challenge. Yet Anastasia’s photos drew me in beyond the body to the light. “Maybe she can capture my light, for spirit seems to sneak in an out.” It appeared she was able to catch it in others. This helped make my decision to be united spiritually with my body.
I have always separated myself from my body since childhood for emotional & physical sanity. Sexual, and verbal abuse & rejection due to racism as a child by people, and children I trusted, and by an authority figure. All directed to my body. No interest in my spirit or how it would affect me. I had to go through court room humiliation for it as a young child. Again I found my light, and separation of body and spirit necessary. Each time separating further. I was born w physical anomalies caused from environmental toxins my mother worked around while she picked tomatoes in The San Joaquin Valley, she was pregnant with me at the time. I grew up having surgeries while I was young, to fix my spine and pelvis. Born partial spinal bifada, linked to pesticides. A victim of environment? Contracted hepatitis C during one of my spinal surgeries because I needed a transfusion , which is what ultimetly caused the liver cancer.
Angry? No. Separated deeper? Yes It was during the birth of my children that I felt “all one."Womban. Powerful. In control. Having one at home, and the other two so quick ,and natural. I felt closer to God, and perfection, with pain, with breathing , with birth , In tune with the strength of my body. I felt the rawness, the wholeness. Using my body as the most intimate rhythmic connection. Birth. And Nurture. Unconditional love. The one ness with myself. It’s what we need to cure ourselves. That same oneness, It’s what I need. For I am light existing in this physical body……I am……I will hide no longer.
We are more than body. I am more…..
A woman endures a lot in life. Menstruation. Hormonal hell. Disassociation with the planet due to society. Sexual expectations, and exploitation. We have struggled to be free not only on the planet but within ourselves. We have dressed, painted , and behaved ourselves to please society. We have been the sponges…the care givers, the gatherers and child bearers, yet at the same time we are leaders. We are equal. We are light. Captains of our ships.
In charge of our own destiny.
I choose now to unite w my body as one. I need to be whole to heal. Really heal. No more separation. I need to be honest and meet my body. Embrace my vessel,(my ship). I want to sail in pure light when I leave. With no shame. I am a mother. A grandmother. A crone. A wife of 35 yrs. With a husband who respects and loves me as a whole being and who sees my light. I am also a Registered Nurse. A healer. A minister of love and light……..and now a whole hueman ……..facing mortality…. Hi…..I am ready to heal……
Well as I’m doing my daily check of the social chain, my first thought was .. "OMG ….mommmm(oh great here we go”!!?)……But as I opened my mind (w light)and read, I realized right away what this photo is truly here to represent….A woman, so In tune, so emotionally& physically ready for it all. A woman w a past and a woman w such a future, someone that has seen it all. She’s been through the pain she’s been through the bliss, only to come out on both ends so incredibly strong and fierce,even as a 32 yr old, I find myself envious on a daily basis.
Earlier this year I received a call, w not much but silence on the other end, she said “Ay I have something to tell you”, that’s when I heard the word….. Cancer. But as I heard the word and began to emotionally break down, there she was, keeping ME strong. (I’ve always said that she is my “living angel” and I say that because I truly feel she was born to shed “light” amongst us all, for us all to remember we “are the captain of our own ship”, to remember such things like this “vessel” we are, and the power w have within.) so when I came back into my body in that phone call (as I floated away for a second when I heard the news) I knew that cancer didn’t pick her, she picked cancer! To show and to exude the mental and physical strength, one needs to get through such turmoil. I knew right then and there that she would show the true meaning of “survivor”, &almost an appreciation for that very word that made me “float away”….She is a warrior, a woman that doesn’t stop, nothing will stop her from what she’s been put on this earth to do, and yup not even Cancer!! She blows me away everyday w her positivity, beliefs& so much more.I’m so proud of her, with every bone in my body &with my eyes wide open,I now see the purpose of life in so many ways I didn’t or wouldn’t let myself before.
The woman u see here is my mother, my best friend, a wife, a grandmother, and loved by MANY! so grateful, honored and blessed, I am. She is my savior and She is my maker…. But Most of all….here is this being, someone who really implicates the saying in which we should all be, that of “pure body, mind, and soul.” ……….FOR SHE IS"LIGHT".!