my gender is my own
i will not subscribe
to a binary of man or woman
i cannot mime these actions
of masculinity and femininity
in order to fit in
to be within
the confines of your approval
my gender is my own
it is the perfect blend of fuck you
and who gives a shit
it gives me time to explore the possibilities of freedom
to interact with my peers the way i see fit
not this forced performance that makes me sick...
I can not
I will not
this is not how i exist
and this is not how I will persist
my gender is my own
a snarky movement to eliminate the confines
that refine
our actions
against each other
you call me man... male... guy... brother....
you forced him on me when i came from the womb
genitals describing my body as man
fitting into this plan
of a wife and kids, a car a dog....
to live this life...
my life...
as a man...
my gender is my own
these roles we are expected to play
things we copy and say
things. just things.
that make us appear
like we hold our gender dear...
and all of it is clear...
it's too late
my gender is my own.
and i say
fuck off.